- Purchasing
- Progressing orders
- Inspection and logistic coordination

Our mission is to help companies solve their supply problems, mainly regarding their purchases in foreign markets and in the management of their procurement of particular projects.
knowledge of Exportation
Since the 90’s IOS diversified its operational services. Accordingly, and using their very considerable knowledge of Exportation to Brazil a number of Brazilian companies utilized the facilities available from Inter Ocean Services to their advantage.
As an experienced Export specialist, the Brazilian market has no secrets for us. Exporting to Brazil is complicated due to the many regulations and operational risks. It is also important for taxes and additional costs to remain transparent. This requires attention and experience. Export to Brazil, therefore, requires thorough preparation and a detailed risk analysis, which we can provide for you.
Another area where the expertise of IOS is proving to be very acceptable is by advising and assisting non Brazilian companies wishing to Export to Brazil. This facility has proved to be valuable to a number of Exporters and is expanding.
Since 1986 IOS has been active in the field of procurement services concentrating mainly on the Brazilian market, still based on the experience gathered in the period 1978 to 1985 with the rather complicated import rules at that time.
The procurement area on which we are active is not limited to any part of the world.
We are globally active and to ensure that our standard is maintained we have selected carefully partners in countries that are not part of the EEC as well as Africa, Asia, and the USA.
For special materials and equipment’s we contract whenever necessary inspection by well-known organizations, such as classification bureaus, international inspection organizations.
When necessary we will send one of our own employees as well to witness the final tests and agree on export packing and marking in accordance with the rules.
Upon request from the client, we can provide a “Follow up” by our inspector to make sure that the production is in accordance with the agreed schedule.
Such inspections are followed by a visit report issued by our inspector.
We have been active to provide assistance for procurement in the worldwide market for some of our extensive group of clients among some well-known.
With special projects, which can vary from production modernization up to and not limited to tailor-made machinery and products, we participate with our clients to come to the best solution possible.
These services are always in close cooperation with our clients whereby we look for good and personal contact and provide technical and commercial assistance to the best of our knowledge.
Of course, we are also involved in the day-to-day procurement for replacement parts and other one-time purchases to which there is no limit in the value, up or down.
Our target towards our clients is to be available at any time certainly when there are issues which interrupt the production, independent of the amount of work.
The above described working method with serious involvement has given our company a very positive response from our clients and of which we are very proud. Our company is well known with the customs procedures in Brazil and is extremely proud to say we have an outstanding positive record if it comes to problems at the time of customs clearance.
A Look Inside the world
In addition to knowledge, we also have solid experience in specific industries.
The Area’s that IOS are currently assisting Brazilian companies are:
- Heavy industries
- Mining Industry
- Off-Shore industry
- Petrochemical industry
- Power industry
- Shipbuilding and Maritime industry
- Steel industry